
Fire Surveillance

Cutting-Edge Thermal Imaging and Sensors: Detecting Hotspots and Preventing Fires

Our fire surveillance technology utilizes state-of-the-art thermal imaging and advanced sensors to detect hotspots and prevent fires. With our innovative solutions, we ensure early detection and swift action to protect lives and property.
Advanced Technology

Our cutting-edge thermal imaging and sensor technology enables accurate hotspot detection and fire prevention.

Swift Action

With our advanced technology, we can respond quickly to potential fire threats.

Protecting from fires Protecting from fires

Protecting from fires Protecting from fires

Everyone remembers the 2018 Malibu fire

Every year, California falls victim to fires. The most memorable one was in Malibu in 2018.

Insurance companies have given up on their customers and do not cover property anymore; knowing it will happen again.

The States have limited means to protect you and your property. IPS Global Aviation has invested in a fleet of firefighting helicopters to protect your home and extract you and your family, if necessary.

The only private fleet to protect you specifically, based closed to your home.


cost in damages


properties destroyed

24/7 fire prevention by drone

For your peace of mind and safety, fully equipped drones with thermal imagery capability are ready to patrol your home 24/7, detecting fires before anyone else can.

With support from our ground dispatch team, our aerial unit has the capacity to provide the shortest possible intervention time.

With support from our ground dispatch team, our aerial unit has the capacity to provide the shortest possible intervention time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is fire surveillance?
Fire surveillance is the monitoring and detection of fires using advanced technology and systems. Our team uses drones and aircraft equipped with specialized sensors to identify and track fires in real-time.
How does it work?
Our fire surveillance system combines aerial surveillance with advanced analytics. Drones and aircraft collect data on temperature, smoke, and other fire indicators. This data is then analyzed to identify potential fire risks and provide early warnings.
How does it work?
Drone surveillance involves the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with cameras and sensors to monitor and gather visual data from the air. The collected information is then analyzed to provide valuable insights and enhance security measures.
What areas do you cover?
We provide fire surveillance services in both urban and rural areas. Our coverage extends to industrial sites, forests, residential areas, and more. Contact us to discuss your specific location and requirements.
How fast is your response?
Our response time depends on the location and severity of the fire. We prioritize emergency situations and aim to provide a rapid response. Our experienced team is trained to handle fire incidents efficiently and effectively.
Can you assist with firefighting?
Yes, in addition to fire surveillance, we also offer firefighting services. Our fleet includes specialized aircraft equipped with fire suppression systems. Contact us to learn more about our firefighting capabilities.

Still have questions?

A Tradition of Service